Effective April 22, 2024, we are relocating our Wilmington, Delaware office to the following New Castle location:

10 Corporate Circle, Suite 301
New Castle, DE 19720


Mesothelioma Law

Our mesothelioma lawyers have extensive experience with asbestos litigation and mesothelioma cases in particular. If you would like to learn more about mesothelioma law, contact the experienced mesothelioma lawyers at Jacobs & Crumplar today.

If you or someone you love has developed mesothelioma, it is important for you to understand your legal rights and options. Mesothelioma is a rare and deadly cancer that develops as a direct consequence of asbestos exposure earlier in life. Mesothelioma victims and their families are entitled to seek financial compensation from negligent asbestos manufacturers, employers, or other responsible parties. They may do this through either a personal injury lawsuit brought by the victim or through a wrongful death suit brought by the family of the deceased. For further information about pursuing a personal injury or wrongful death asbestos lawsuit, contact our mesothelioma lawyers today.

Financial Compensation >>

Receiving fair financial compensation can be critical in helping victims and their families cope with mesothelioma and its effects. These funds are necessary to cover expensive medical treatment bills and to obtain state-of-the-art medical care that might otherwise be out of the patient’s reach. Financial compensation may also be needed to replace income from lost wages and ensure a victim’s family is provided for in the future. In addition to immediate and future expenses, victims and families are entitled to sue for pain and suffering, including the emotional anguish caused by this disease.

Proving Liability >>

In order to achieve a successful outcome in a mesothelioma case, a lawyer must first establish proof of the asbestos exposure and then show that the asbestos manufacturer or employer knew about the dangers of the asbestos (or should have known) and did nothing to prevent injury. Because mesothelioma may develop as many as 30-50 years following exposure, proving asbestos exposure can be a difficult task requiring extensive research and investigation. The law firm you choose must have the staff, resources, and dedication necessary to engage in this in-depth, and sometimes prolonged, investigative process.

Choosing a Mesothelioma Lawyer >>

Mesothelioma is the most serious type of asbestos injury. And while many law firms claim to be experienced in asbestos litigation, the majority of these firms deal primarily with less serious asbestos injuries. Many of these, large practices in particular, take on a high volume of minor asbestos cases, meaning less time and research dedicated to the most serious and involved claims.

At Jacobs & Crumplar in Wilmington, Delaware, our asbestos and mesothelioma lawyers focus specifically on major asbestos injuries such as mesothelioma. The decision to take your case is an expression of our total commitment, and all of the firm’s resources, including a full investigative team, will be geared towards producing maximum results for you. If you are considering legal action on a mesothelioma case, the time to act is now. Not only does a statute of limitations apply from the time of diagnosis – meaning you have limited time in which to file a lawsuit once mesothelioma is diagnosed – but also the laws governing victims’ rights to sue for compensation in asbestos cases may soon be changing. Contact our mesothelioma lawyers today for a free review of your case.

Tort Reform: The Changing Face of Asbestos Litigation >>

Time may be running out for victims of mesothelioma and their families to receive the compensation they deserve.

If legislation currently under consideration in congress is passed, victims of mesothelioma may no longer be able to sue major asbestos manufacturers and corporations for their injury. As part of a Republican push towards overall tort reform, asbestos litigation is under heavy fire due to the immense liability facing many corporations and businesses.

The current legislation proposes to set up a trust fund to compensate asbestos victims according to set compensation levels, though no one seems able to agree on what those levels should be. The new system would cap the amount of straight compensation allowable for economic losses and end victims’ rights to sue for punitive and general damages such as pain and suffering.

Contact Our Wilmington Mesothelioma Lawyers at Jacobs & Crumplar Today

It may soon be too late to take advantage of your legal rights, so don’t wait. Contact the Wilmington mesothelioma lawyers at Jacobs & Crumplar for experienced legal representation. We may be able to help you obtain much needed financial compensation and hold the guilty party responsible. Contact us online, or call (302) 656-5445 . Representing clients throughout Delaware, including Dover, Georgetown, and Wilmington.


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