Smart phone usage behind the wheel has spun out of control in recent years. Distracted driving has been a major contributor in the overall rise of U.S. traffic deaths. In 2016, at least 40,200 people lost their lives on U.S. roads in preventable collisions, according to the National Safety Council. Studies reveal that a shocking 88 percent of drivers have used their phone while operating a vehicle. The study monitored three-million drivers over the course of three months, from December 2016 through February 2017.
The study, conducted by an app called Zendrive, took into consideration all forms of phone usage including navigation, social media, texting, and talking. Zendrive can detect the duration and frequency of phone usage since it operates off a smartphone. The data, said to be the largest distracted driving study to date, was then collected and analyzed. The outcome showed that drivers spent an average of three and a half minutes on their phones for every hour driven.
Some may agree that more driver awareness is needed. Drivers need to be informed that even seconds spent on a phone can have dire consequences. A 2-second distraction increases the likelihood for crashing by over 20-times. Texting behind the wheel makes it eight times more likely that an accident will occur. It is pertinent that addresses get plugged into GPS and music set prior to operating a vehicle to prevent potential deadly wrecks.
Even hands-free phone operation while driving increases the risk for accidents according to AAA. Phone usage causes people to take their mind, and not just their eyes off the road. A driver who is not paying attention is likely to miss pedestrians and other potential hazards surrounding them. This is a danger not only to the driver, but also to anyone in the vicinity.
Passenger phone usage is also a major distraction. Videos on someone else’s phone or having a conversation could cause a driver to divert his or her attention away from the road, leading to a deadly outcome. It is essential that drivers eliminate as many distractions as possible prior to their departure. Ask passengers to eliminate noise on their phones, and maintain focus on the road while talking to each other.
At Jacobs & Crumplar, P.A., we understand the pain and debilitating stress that comes from being hurt in a car accident. Financial distress should be the least of your concerns. Speak with an experienced Georgetown car accident lawyer today by calling 302-656-5445 or contact us online. We have convenient office locations in Wilmington and Georgetown to represent personal injury victims in upstate and downstate Delaware.