Receiving a cancer diagnosis of mesothelioma can be overwhelming. Questions about proper treatment methods, life expectancy, and costs of medical expenses are especially common. To avoid additional stress, families can take the following steps to become better prepared for the road ahead.
For many individuals, receiving the diagnosis may be the first time they have heard of this disease, which is caused by exposure to fatal airborne asbestos fibers. The internet can present confusing and conflicting information about this condition. In determining the most appropriate treatment options, diagnosed individuals should focus on accurate medical information provided by a qualified professional in understanding the impact of mesothelioma on one’s health.
One of the most important pieces of information to research is the type of mesothelioma at issue. Pleural mesothelioma, which accounts for approximately 75 percent of cases, commonly affects a person’s ability to breathe and may require the need for a respiratory therapist. Other types of mesothelioma, such as peritoneal, pericardial, or testicular, affect other areas of the body. Knowing the affected locations of the body will help you better understand the symptoms and impact of the disease.
Part of the information gathering process will include researching the legal and financial aspects of being diagnosed with this disease. An experienced Georgetown mesothelioma lawyer can help you determine if you are entitled to compensation for your medical expenses or pain and suffering due to asbestos exposure.
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer, yet, not all cancer treatment centers have the proper expertise in treatment and monitoring of this rare disease. Finding an oncologist who specializes in mesothelioma is an important step as these physicians will have access to the most recent research and clinical trials. This rare type of cancer has been misdiagnosed as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or even the flu. Do not hesitate to obtain a second and third opinion when it comes to obtaining a diagnosis or understanding your treatment options.
While your physician will be a vital part of your treatment team, you also will need the social and emotional support of others during this time. Reach out to family and friends who can help you deal with the many emotions that accompany your diagnosis. Many patients enlist the help of an oncology social worker, mental health therapist, or online support groups to address feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety. There are many local, regional, and national resources available to help you cope with your mesothelioma diagnosis.
Regardless of your treatment plan, preparing your body to fight cancer can be an important proactive step. Following your diagnosis, you may need to undergo surgery, radiation treatments, and chemotherapy. Exercising, physical therapy, and a healthy diet can positively affect your treatment. Treatment for mesothelioma may continue for years and keeping your body physically strong can build much needed immunity. Remain an active participant in the treatment and monitoring of your cancer.
If you have received a mesothelioma diagnosis resulting from asbestos exposure, the Georgetown mesothelioma lawyers at Jacobs & Crumplar, P.A. can help you obtain compensation for the costs of ongoing medical treatment. With offices conveniently located in Wilmington and Georgetown, Delaware, we represent victims of asbestos exposure throughout the state. To schedule a confidential consultation today, call us at 302-656-5445 or submit an online inquiry form.