From Memorial Day until Labor Day, the number of traffic accidents and fatalities involving teenagers increases. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that an average of 10 people per day are fatally injured during this time period, which is a 14 percent increase compared to the rest of the year. This period is also known as the 100 deadliest days of summer due to the increase in fatalities.
More teens are on the road during the 100 deadliest days of summer due to summer vacation. Teenagers are more likely to engage in joy riding and driving to social events during the summer. However, teens are also more prone to distractions and are unable to control the vehicle due to their inexperience. During the summer, teens are accompanied by other teens as opposed to adults, causing an increase in distractions.
Before summer break begins, parents should discuss safe driving methods with their teen. It is important to emphasize maintaining speed limits and limiting distractions. Other points to include are:
AAA suggests parents establish and enforce driving rules. Parents should insist that their teens check-in with them before driving and know where their teen is going to be at all times. Keeping open lines of communication is a good way to garner trust and cooperation from teens. Parents should also consistently enforce the driving rules and take away the teen’s driving privileges if they are violated. Though parents can set expectations, enforce rules, and be more vigilant, accidents can still happen when a teenager is behind the wheel.
If you or a loved one was involved in a car accident, do not hesitate to contact the Delaware car accident lawyers at Jacobs & Crumplar, P.A. Call our office at 302-656-5445 or contact us online to set up a free consultation today. With offices in Georgetown and Wilmington, Delaware, we serve clients throughout New Castle County, Sussex County, and Dover.