Some of the most serious car accident injuries involve your brain. Here, you are dealing with a part of your body that differs from others. Your brain is extremely delicate, and any trauma could cause lasting and permanent injury. When you have suffered a concussion, you are at risk of continuing symptoms that may never fully go away. If someone else was to blame for the car accident, they could owe you substantial financial compensation. First, you need to contact a doctor and an attorney.
Concussion symptoms do not always appear immediately after a car accident. The adrenaline of the crash could obscure some of the effects. The brain is extremely complex, and it responds to trauma differently than other parts of the body. Depending on the part of the brand that was hurt, it may take longer for the symptoms to make their way to and from the pathways. You may have other healthy pathways in the brain that overcompensate to make up for the shortcomings of the injured area.
However, you would likely experience concussion symptoms at some point after the car accident. The first set of symptoms that you would deal with are physical. These symptoms can include:
Concussions could also result in cognitive difficulties. One of the main symptoms is that you are having difficulty concentrating or holding a thought for any amount of time. Your short-term memory may be affected, and you could have trouble remembering things that happened within the last several hours or days. You may end up feeling in a fog or a general sense of confusion.
Accident victims may also experience changes in their emotions as a result of the concussion. Those who are dealing with concussions may find themselves anxious or agitated, more so than they were before the accident. While car accidents are stressful, a prolonged period of agitation may be a sign that something more is at work.
Finally, your sleep could be a sign that you are dealing with a concussion. The brain controls sleep, and your rhythms could be disturbed. Some people suffering from a concussion may experience insomnia. At the other end of the spectrum, others may always be excessively drowsy and tired.
You must take immediate action if you have experienced any of these symptoms. If you are on your feet and go in about your daily life when you are experiencing symptoms of concussion, you could be at risk of a more serious and permanent injury. Prompt treatment can increase the chances that you will make a full recovery. On the flip side, delaying treatment can make the concussion worse and possibly lead to post-concussion syndrome. In addition, the insurance company may notice your lack of vigilance regarding your medical care and try to cut the amount of money they pay you.
If you can prove that someone else was to blame for the accident, you would be entitled to financial compensation for your concussion injuries. Before you file your claim, you must know your prognosis to determine how much to seek damages. If you are dealing with extended post-concussion syndrome, your compensation could be higher.
If you have suffered a concussion in a crash, our Wilmington car accident lawyers at Jacobs & Crumplar, P.A. can help you get full and fair compensation for your injuries. The first step is to call us at 302-656-5445 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation. Located in New Castle and Millsboro, Delaware, we work with clients in New Castle County, Kent County, and Sussex County.