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Pesticide Exposure in Children

Contact a Wilmington Environmental Lawyer at Jacobs & Crumplar, P.A. for Help After Pesticide Exposure

Pesticide exposure is a common cause of injury in children around the world. While many of these injuries occur in less developed countries that have not taken steps to ban or control the use of harmful pesticides, there are still children who are injured in the United States each year. If your child has been harmed by exposure to a pesticide, you may be able to file a lawsuit against one of several defendants seeking financial compensation.

What Are the Dangers of Pesticides?

Pesticides are known to be harmful to anyone who is exposed to them or consumes a product that has been treated with them. Children are known to be at greater risk because of their developing bodies and brains. Chemical pesticides are associated with a number of harmful effects, such as:


  • Childhood cancer
  • Cognitive development challenges
  • Organ damage
  • Learning disabilities
  • Asthma

Why Are Children in More Danger of Pesticide Exposure?

Children are also more likely to be exposed to pesticides. First, they play outside and in grass that may have been treated with pesticides. Second, they are more likely to put their hands in their mouths, and any chemicals on their hands can be ingested into their system. Third, children spend more time on the carpet, where traces of pesticides can be found.

Pesticide Exposure Is Particularly Harmful to Children

A child’s immune system is much less developed, and it is not as able to process and control reactions to pesticides. Further, even though a child is smaller, they breathe in more toxic chemicals, often twice as much as an adult would. The end result is that children are more susceptible to long-term harm when they are exposed to pesticides both outdoors and in the home.

How Are Children Exposed to Pesticides?

The problem is that pesticides can spread throughout the home. Tiny chemical particles can be found in the air, and they can attach themselves to other items. Many families have had to throw out their possessions because they were found to have been tainted with pesticides. There have even been instances in which pesticides have been found on carpets, teddy bears, and even on the walls.

Pesticide residue can be found in many of the foods that your child eats. For example, if you give them fresh fruit, there is a high chance that it is contaminated with traces of pesticides. In addition, foods such as cereal and other baby foods can also contain pesticide residue.

Numerous instances have been reported of parents filing lawsuits against companies that make pesticides, seeking compensation for damages their child has suffered. For example, a large class action lawsuit was filed against Dow Chemical, alleging that its pesticide Chlorpyrifos caused brain damage in children.

Harmful Pesticides Have Been Allowed to Be Sold and Used

Many of these harmful pesticides remain legal for use in the United States in spite of evidence that shows their grave danger. Even when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finally took steps to ban these types of pesticides, the courts struck down the rules that executed these bands. Some states have made it illegal to sell foods that are treated with these types of pesticides. Still, the decades of their usage have caused lingering and lasting health effects in children.

If your child has been harmed by pesticides such as Chlorpyrifos, your family may have a potential lawsuit against several possible defendants. The most obvious defendant is the company that manufactured the pesticide in a product liability lawsuit. You may also be able to sue a food manufacturer that sold a product that was treated with this pesticide.

Contact a Wilmington Environmental Lawyer at Jacobs & Crumplar, P.A. for Help After Pesticide Exposure

A Wilmington environmental lawyer at Jacobs & Crumplar, P.A. can help your family determine whether you have a potential lawsuit against a pesticide manufacturer or a company that used the product. While there may be challenges in proving causation, your family may be entitled to a substantial amount of financial compensation if you can prove that the defendant was responsible for your child’s injuries. You should take the first step, which is calling us at 302-656-5445 or schedule a free initial consultation by using our online contact form. Our offices are in New Castle and Millsboro, Delaware, and we serve clients in New Castle County, Kent County, and Sussex County.