Effective April 22, 2024, we are relocating our Wilmington, Delaware office to the following New Castle location:

10 Corporate Circle, Suite 301
New Castle, DE 19720


Attorney Thomas C. Crumplar Featured on Mortification of Spin Podcast

Wilmington sexual abuse lawyer was featured on podcast.Thomas C. Crumplar of Jacobs & Crumplar, P.A. was featured on the latest Mortification of Spin podcast. In the podcast titled “Defender of the Weak,” Mr. Crumplar discusses sexual abuse and what steps leaders of businesses and other institutions must take when it is reported. The podcast also highlighted his successful representation of sexual abuse victims in many cases including litigation against the Roman Catholic Dioceses in Delaware.  

Visit this link to listen to the podcast: Mortification of Spin Defender of the Weak.

The Wilmington sexual abuse lawyers at Jacobs & Crumplar, P.A. represent victims of sexual abuse throughout Delaware including Dover and Georgetown. For more information contact us online or call 302-656-5445.